9th to 12th Grades
In High School, students will have formative experiences that foster responsibility, connection with the local and global community, and the development of initiatives to achieve their personal goals. They receive specialized support in the preparation of exams and in the university admission process. They are supported in their decision-making, guiding them towards options that enhance their skills for an integral development in a globalized world.
Learning process progress assessments
- MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) (ISP) test
- TIMSS Test (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) (MINEDUC)
- DIA (Comprehensive Learning Diagnosis)
- Cambridge Test
- Level stratification process
Strengthening communication skills in a second language. Promoting total immersion methodologies in teaching of the English language. Cambridge English exam preparation.
International Opportunities
Students have opportunities to participate in international, formative and social work experiences, which prepare them to develop successfully in a globalized world.
Pre-University Preparation
Preparation included with the Pedro de Valdivia Pre-University for the PAES test for students from 11th and 12th grades.
9th to 12th Grades:
Admission Requirements:
Report of partial grades for the current year
Personality certificate from the previous year

Safe Spaces
- Formation of the Training and Coexistence team
- Adaptation process
- Referrals to psychology/psycho-pedagogy
- School-family work
- Coordination of external specialists
- Schools for parents
- Teacher training
- School Coexistence